Tuesday 5 May 2015

Evaluation - Lonely


For my video at first I wanted to do something that would involve the audience so that the video wasn't boring and to also help stop the cause that I was making the video about which was bullying. When I was making my plan for my animation I was trying to think of what things to involve in my video to make it more effective to the audience and make them realise more about the cause and to help make it stop as bad things can result when someone is bullied...

I would say that this would be on of the important bits in my video as the word 'Lonely' is a emotive word and it makes you think about people who are actually out there on their own so I thought that I would call it that. I started then making the real things and got my characters on the screen.

This is my main character the one that actually gets bullied, I wanted to add him in to it first because then it shows that he is the main character and that it is going to be about him. I have him normally just stood up enjoying school till the something actually happens.
I added this text to my clip because it asks the audience if they would like to be bullied as my animation is about a young lad who gets bullied. It is good to use because it involves the audience and it also starts the animation off. 

This is the two characters together, the one on the right is the bully and this is where the bullying begins. I put the bad character on the screen so that everyone could see who he was and also the different faces that they both pull which will show their different emotions.

I used the image to show you that after the bully starts both of my characters faces change, my main character turns from smiling to frowning because of the bully bullying him. My other character goes from a mean horrible face to laughing because he finds it funny about bullying other people when it isn't funny at all.
This the main bit on my animation and that is 'Let's stop Bullying!!!' this is my most important bit because it's again involving the audience and its emotive. I think if i didn't make this video and it was someone else I would want to stop bullying and help as it isn't nice and why should anyone get bullied when were all humans nothing different about us. 

I think that my video worked well, I done everything that I actually wanted. I think that when people actually watch my video it maybe help make people try to stop bullying. It's an emotion animation as people do get bullied and have to go through this, it causes lots of things bullying example people hate their lifes that much that they want to kill themselves just with stupid people bringing them down. They could do anything to take that pain away and that is exactly why I have made this video to try to help! So please be the bigger person and if you ever actually see someone getting bullied tell someone anyone so that people can help stop the bullying.