Tuesday 9 December 2014

My real animation

My real animation

This is my idea of what I want to do for my animation, I have made a PowerPoint of what I am going to do and what my animation is about and this is what it is about. I hope that youse enjoy it and that it is a good idea. 

It didn't take me long to create my PowerPoint it only took me a couple of days, this was because I made improvements on it.

My Characters

This is Tommy, this is my character that is going to get bullied during the annimation. He is 13, he lives with his mam and dad. He doesn't have a very good background as he is going through hard times with his family and with getting bullied by pupils at school doesn't make his life any easier.

This is Timmy, he is one of the important characters as he is the bully in the annimation. Timmy's background is ok but just like to make things worse for other people. The boy has no heart and doesn't care about other peoples feelings but knows what it is like to get bullied as he did while he was in pimary. 

Editing my video

This is what I done when i was editing my video annimation, I went on Imovie as it helps you put different things into place. It as credits and it has a title page where you can put anything on it to start it off for example the name of your annimation etc...


I think that my animation went to plan; it went the way that I wanted it too nothing went wrong in the animation. I made it different to any other animation that I have done, the titles went in the places that I actually wanted them to go in and also my audio went where I wanted it to so I’m happy how it went. Another thing about my animation is that it is a type of animation that will hopefully hit people as it is about bullying and I’m trying to help preventing it by telling people what it is like and how they would feel if it was them… I think that there isn’t really anything much that I would change to make my animation better than changing there emotions abit more than just changing it once and even maybe moving my characters more than keeping them in one position. 

On my annimation I added a page at the beginning of the name of my annimation saying the name of it then I had the annimation its self, I had this on the first page so that people know what it is about and it gives you a clue and added sound and other things to it as well to make it look better.

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